
EnOcean sensors Regmet

EnOcean sensors Regmet

Innovative wireless solar technology enables the control of temperaturer, humidity, concentration CO2, light in buildings using ambient light as power source. Only in applications with minimal lighting can the sensors be retrofitted with a small backup battery. Wirelessly transmitted information from various types of sensors can be sent to the respective clouds for evaluation using gateways or are directly part of technological processes.

Temperature und humidity sensor

Interior sensor T or T+RH in design versions

  • Communication EnOcean
  • Wireless indoor temperature and humidity sensing
  • Powered by solar cell
  • Temperature measurement - types E13T, E23T
  • Measurement of temperature and relative humidity - types E13TRH
  • Backup battery type CR1225

E13 (pdf), E23 (pdf) 

Wireless room sensor E-33

Interior temperature sensor with set point adjustment

  • Communication EnOcean
  • Wireless indoor temperature sensing
  • Room temperature setpoint adjustment
  • Powered by solar cell
  • Uset together with suitable gateway
  • Backup battery type CR1225

Leaflead (pdf)

Multisensor RK55

The indoor sensor RK-55 enables the measurement of several types of quantities and wireless communication according to the EnOcean radio standard. The sensor can be used, for example, in ModBus, KNX, BACnet, KAN, KANopen, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, Loxone, Raspbery Pi, etc. systems. The respective gateways are used for this.

The sensor enables the following measurements:

  • Temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Light intensity
  • Acceleration
  • Magnetic contact

Leaflead (pdf)

REGMET s.r.o. - development, manufacture and sale of components for the measuring and control technology

We offer:

  • temperature, humidity, flooding and pressure sensors
  • industrial electronic thermostats
  • interior controllers and thermostats
  • transmitters and other devices suitable for air conditioning, heating control systems, energy, homebuilding, etc.

We produce temperature sensors which are fully compatible with control systems of following company: TECO, SIEMENS, SAUTER, SAIA, LANDIS & GYR, JOHNSON CONTROLS, TREND CONTROLS, AMIT, STAEFA CONTROLS etc.

Created by IceStudio.

Regmet s.r.o.
Rožnovská 25
757 01 Valašské Meziříčí

7:00 - 15:00
602 773 909