
Interior sensors - T, RH, CO2

Interior sensors - T, RH, CO2

Interior sensors 1- wire

Measurement temperature, humidity, concentration CO2

  • for placement on an installation box – in designs by ABB, Legrand, Eaton, Schneider Electric, Vimar, BTicino, Efapel, Gira, Jung
  • possibility of adding an additional temperature sensor DS18B20 or DS18S20
  • list of types
  1.          HT1W ...........T + RH
  2.          HTD1W..........T + RH + DI (digital imput)
  3.          HTA1W..........T + RH + AI (analog input)
  4.          NTD1W..........T + DI (digital input)
  5.          NTA1W..........T + AI (analog input)
  6.          NTC1W-5V.....T + CO2 (auxiliary voltage 5VDC)

Leaflead (pdf)

Examples of configurations in Loxone Config



Temperature and CO2 sensors with 24VDC auxiliary power supply

  1.         1WNC24V.......CO2 (auxiliary power supply 24VDC)     
  2.         1WTC24V........T + CO2 (auxiliary power supply 24VDC

Leaflead (pdf)

List of designs (pdf)


1-Wire wall sensor T, RH, CO2

Measurement of temperature, humidity, CO2 concentration

  • 1-Wire Dallas communication
  • placement on the wall or on the KU68 installation box
  • measurement of temperature, relative humidity, CO2 concentration
  • analog input 0÷10V (AI)
  • digital input (DI)
  • version with DS18B20 (DS18S20) sensor - 2 communication addresses

Leaflead (pdf)

REGMET s.r.o. - development, manufacture and sale of components for the measuring and control technology

We offer:

  • temperature, humidity, flooding and pressure sensors
  • industrial electronic thermostats
  • interior controllers and thermostats
  • transmitters and other devices suitable for air conditioning, heating control systems, energy, homebuilding, etc.

We produce temperature sensors which are fully compatible with control systems of following company: TECO, SIEMENS, SAUTER, SAIA, LANDIS & GYR, JOHNSON CONTROLS, TREND CONTROLS, AMIT, STAEFA CONTROLS etc.

Created by IceStudio.

Regmet s.r.o.
Rožnovská 25
757 01 Valašské Meziříčí

7:00 - 15:00
602 773 909