Transmitters with output 4 to 20 mA – type RI
- on the DIN bar
- on the wall
- into the head of sensor
- without galvanic separation
Transmitters with output 4 to 20 mA – type RI
Transmitters temperature-current and resistance-current
- 1 ÷ 4 channel versions
- on the DIN bar
Leaflead (PDF)
Transmitters with output 4 to 20 mA – type PI
Economic version
- 1 channel version
- on the DIN bar
Leaflead (PDF)
Transmitter temperature – current - type HIP
- inputs Pt100 or Pt1000
- encapsulating to the aluminium head type B
Leaflead (PDF)
Transmitters temperature – current – type RNI
Transmitters temperature-current and resistance-current
- on the wall
- 1 channel version
Leaflead (PDF)