

Our company launches indoor wireless sensors using EnOcean technology. This technology is characterized by extremely low energy consumption. The principle of EnOcean technology is based on obtaining the energy needed to power the sensors from its surroundings, from light using solar cells, from heat or kinetic energy. It is therefore a maintenance-free and ecological technology. For possible use in applications with minimal lighting, the sensors can be retrofitted with a small battery. Sensors with EnOcean technology do not require any supply wires and are therefore preferably used in renovations, modernizations and extensions of offices, hotels, residential buildings, schools, museums and hospitals, industrial buildings and administrative centers as well as listed buildings and churches. Wirelessly transmitted information from various types of sensors can be sent to the respective clouds for evaluation using gateways or are directly part of technological processes. Again, this transmission can be wireless or using a metallic connection. Examples include the integration of sensors into systems with ModBus, BACnet, KNX, CAN, CANopen, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, Loxone etc. communication.

Information on individual types of sensors can be found on this page:

 Examples of sensor applications (ModBus, MQTT, Loxone, KNX, CAN, CANopen, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, SNMP, Raspberry Pi)


Information from the sensors can be used directly in the technological process with control systems with ModBus or BACnet communication. The data is sent wirelessly through a suitable gateway to the control system and further processed there. The products of the Czech company Firvena can be mentioned as recommended gateways.

The EO-MOD-IP gateway can be used for EnOcean/ModBus TCP IP communication, the ENOCEAN-GWY-MOD gateway is intended for EnOcean/ModBus RTU or RS232 communication.

Gateways EO-BAC-IP and EO-BAC are suitable for communication with BACnet systems.

Technical information about these gateways is available on the manufacturer's website:


Another possibility of the application is the processing of information from the sensors and their transmission using gateways communicating via the MQTT protocol. An example is Pressac's PEG_868_E gateway, which can send data via Ethernet, WiFi or LTE (4G) to various platforms, e.g. to IBM Watson IoT, Microsoft Azure IoT Hub or AWS lOT Core; directly to Google Sheets; or to the Node-RED application.


In systems with a Loxone control unit, sensors can be connected to the control unit using the Loxone Extension with subsequent configuration in the Loxone Config program. Currently, the Loxone form supports a number of temperature, humidity, lighting, window contact, etc. sensors. Several types of actors are also supported, such as dimmers, relays, blinds actuators, etc. Instructions for operating the EnOcean Extension can be found on the Loxone company website: https://